Tetherion Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Metaverse Technologies LLC
Explore the future of digital currency and metaverse technology with Tetherion
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Road Map


Tetherion cryptocurrency is being developed using Hyper Ledger Fabric.


March 1, 2025 - April 1, 2025: 50% Discount
April 1, 2025 - June 25, 2025: 25% Discount


Usage Areas
2026-2028: Will be used for content, games, spaces, memberships, and item purchases in the TetherPlay universe.


2028-2030: After updates and necessary licenses, it will be used in both TetherPlay and TetherWorld universes.


Exchange Launch
2028-2030: Tetherion Exchange (2D-3D) will be launched (after updates and licenses).


General Listing
2029-2030: Listing on general exchanges after updates and licenses (priority to TetherWorld exchanges).
2025-2030: Early Adaptation and Spread


Metaverse technologies (VR, AR, XR, MR) rapidly proliferate and many sectors adopt these technologies.


Under Tetherion's leadership, the gaming, events, and social communication platform for individuals (e.g., TetherPlay) and the trade, education, and virtual office platform for companies (e.g., TetherWorld) grow rapidly.


New business areas such as virtual 3D games, virtual 3D real estate, 3D digital art, and avatar trading emerge, leading to significant investments in these areas.
2030-2035: Rapid Growth and Integration
Educational institutions effectively use metaverse technologies.
Companies conduct job interviews and meetings via the metaverse.
Virtual shopping centers become widespread.
Virtual amusement parks and social events thrive in the metaverse.
2035-2040: Intensive Use and Innovation
Technology Integration
Metaverse technologies fully integrate with other digital systems. Technologies like artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the internet of things combine with the metaverse to create a smarter and more secure digital world.
Economic Impact
Tetherion enables the birth of billion-dollar companies in the virtual world, and the economic impact of virtual commerce spreads across all sectors.
Sector Transformation
Significant transformations occur in fields like education, health, entertainment, and commerce.
2040-2045: Global Communication and Culture



Cultural Exchange
Metaverse becomes a platform where cultures and societies worldwide come together.



Global Events
Virtual events, festivals, and concerts organized via Tetherion become widespread globally.



Online Commerce
Global online commerce integrates significantly with metaverse universes.



Legal Regulations
Institutions establish structures to represent themselves in these universes, bringing new legal regulations.
Why Should I Own Tetherion?
Tetherion Digital Currency
Used in the TetherPlay and TetherWorld Metaverse universes. You get a discount when purchasing Tetherion in the pre-sale.
Exclusive Advantages
Only Tetherion holders enjoy priority advantages in the TetherPlay and TetherWorld Metaverse universes.
Valuable Currency
Tetherion digital currency is highly valuable in the respective Metaverse universes and can be bought with all fiat currencies or cryptocurrencies.
Construction Process
In the TetherPlay and TetherWorld Metaverse universes, tetherion holders build games, items, buildings, avatars, NFTs, digital content, shops, malls, characters, libraries, hospitals, and all their designs and constructions. These digital contents are limited, exclusive, and protected by copyright and digital property rights.
More Reasons to Own Tetherion
Copyright and Digital Ownership
The content users create can be sold as 3D NFTs. Structures within the game can be rented or sold by tetherion holders. There is a rich network within the Metaverse universe. All sectors from education to health and technology will be present in these universes.
Advanced Trade and Education
The trade, education, social media, and virtual meetings of the future will take place in the Tetherion Metaverse universes.
Corporate Companies
Corporate companies will want to be present in the Tetherion universes and will need to benefit from the intellectual property rights, content, 3D NFT rentals and sales of Tetherion users. This makes the Tetherion digital currency and intellectual property highly valuable.
Tetherion Airdrop


Discounted Tetherion
You get discounted Tetherion for a short time.


Airdrop Opportunities
By providing referrals, following social media accounts, and participating in the test-net process, you can benefit from the 250 million Tetherion Airdrop pool. Airdrop rates are very high for a short time.


Conversion Opportunity
Airdrops can be converted to USDT on the specified date.
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